Wishing you all a great Christmas, lots of beer, quality time with friends and family and some good chilled thinking time about a brighter Affiliate Marketing future.
I know most of you are going to be intoxicated down the Red Lion with your eyes transfixed on the barmainds t*ts; enjoy.
That's where I'll be!
F*** the Nancy Boys: the details of the >>>KILLER<<< product that was wide open on Google Paid Ad's has been deposited in your numpty in-box at precisely 00.01 on Christmas Day.
I Love You ALL.
Numpty, if you have signed up to my article list you will have received an update today (13th Dec). In that I explain exactly how this morning I made £34.50 profit from 30 minutes work in about 28 seconds of going live with the Adwords Campaign. Well it's now up to £95 from £1.48 and it's only been live 2 hours... Check your numpty-mail in box.
Moving on...
One thing is baffling me right now. I don't know if you've noticed but this month is Christmas. It comes around once a year and people tend to spend a bit more money than usual online.
What's puzzling me is something I've noticed. Or to be more precise; something I've NOT noticed.
For reasons which will line my bank account with cash rather than yours, I will remain stum on this until after the window of opportunity has passed. But rest assured I WILL point this out very shortly.
Sometimes I stare at the sky and just wonder...